Research at UAF - Low cost technologies for enhanced ruminant animal productivity

Principal Investigator: Dr. Mahr-un-Nisa
3 Year
1.594 Millioin
Funding Agency:      

Progress Reports

A project was undertaken to enhance the awareness of the farmers about low cost technologies for profitable rearing of the animals. The project was funded by Endowment Fund Secretariat University of Agriculture, Faisalabad. The objectives of the project were propagation of cost-effective technologies for enhanced animal productivity and training of the farmers to raise their animals on scientific lines. Various activities of the project include: treatment of wheat straw with urea and corn steep liquor, milk fever prevention technology, silage making of corn and sorghum fodders, enhanced milk production and reproductive efficiency of buffaloes during severe summer, hay making of Berseem or Lucern fodder and preparation of urea molasses block. Among these activities, treatment of wheat straw with urea and corn steep liquor, milk fever prevention technology, enhanced milk production and reproductive efficiency of buffaloes during severe summer and silage making of corn and sorghum fodders have been conducted. Farmers have also been trained regarding these activities. Other activities will be conducted as per inception report as the project is still in progress.

Treatment of wheat straw with urea and corn steep liquor

Reduced dry matter, NDF and increased CP contents were observed in corn steep liquor-urea treated wheat straw.  The results were more pronounced in those farmers where wheat straw was treated and kept in shady places. Higher crude protein contents of corn steep liquor-urea treated wheat straw were due to low pH. Increased dry matter intake was observed in animals fed corn steep liquor-urea treated wheat straw. This might be due to increased ruminal degradability in animals fed treated wheat straw. Farmers fed this treated straw to the lactating buffalo/cow when green fodder was scarce. They reported that their animals maintained their milk production and the usual drop in milk production during summer can be avoided. One of the farmer also fed this treated wheat straw to his buffalo/cow calves and he reported that his animals gained exemplary weight gain. The farmer were very happy because this treated wheat straw worked like green fodder. The treatment was again carried out with urea and corn steep liquor in the 2nd year to repeat/follow up the previous year activity. During one year, registered farmers ensiled about 1, 18000 kg wheat straw.

Milk fever prevention technology
The milk fever prevention technology was carried out using CaCl2 as anionic salt. The animals which received CaCl2 salt daily in their feed did not show any symptom of milk fever. Whereas milk fever symptoms were observed in some animals which were not fed this salt. This indicated that this technology helped farmers to prevent milk fever and farmers were trained to prepare this salt mixture.
Enhanced milk production and reproductive efficiency of buffaloes during severe summer
Two types of diets (conventional versus conventional diets plus DACD salt) were prepared and fed to 2 early lactating buffalo/ cow of selected farmers. One group received +330 DCAD diet and other received conventional diet. The difference in milk yield and reproductive performance was observed by the farmer. A proforma was distributed among farmers to collect the data of feed intake and milk yield. This experiment lasted for three months. The farmers were observed increase dry matter intake and milk production in animals fed positive DCAD diet. The reproductive performance of high DCAD diet animals was also improved compared to those fed traditional diets.

Silage making of corn and sorghum fodders
The silage has been prepared at some farms. The results are in progress.