Research at UAF - Sustainable Management of Insect Pests of Rice Crop With Special Reference to Bio-Control Agents and Bio-Rational Insecticides
Principal Investigator: Prof. Dr. Muhammad Ashfaq (Tamga-i-Imtiaz), Dean, Faculty of Agriculture, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad.
Co-Principal Investigator: Dr. Sultan Habibullah Khan, Assistant Professor, Department of Plant Breeding and Genetics, UAF
Duration: Three Years
Cost: Rs. 8,72,655/-
Funding agency: Higher Education Commission, Islamabad

Progress Reports

Refinement of rearing technique, “AM-Tech” with special reference to artificial diet, for mass rearing of adults of Chrysoperla carnea Stephens (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae) in laboratory will be studied in this project. Impact of different botanical and microbial insecticides on the Development of Chrysoperla carnea in Laboratory condition will also be investigated. More over, efficacy of Trichogramma chilonis and Bio-rational insecticides against Rice Leaf Folder, rice hoppers and borers will also be under investigation. In some other experiments, molecular systematics of the genus Chrysoperla (Neuroptera: Chrysopidae); and toxicological, histopathological effects of Bacillus thuringiensis and other Biorational insecticides on green lace wing will be tested under laboratory conditions.
Problem statement
Use of synthetic insecticides for the control of leaf and plant hoppers, leaf folders, borers and other insect pests of rice is affecting the non-target beneficial insect fauna of rice crop. Moreover, these synthetic insecticides are causing environmental pollution along with the development of resistance in insect pests.

  • Objectives  To study the efficiency of various botanical and microbial insecticides on the development of green lace wing and Trichogramma chilonis
  • To evaluate the impact of Biorational insecticides for the management of hopper, leaf folders and borers of paddy
  • To refine the rearing technique “AM-Tehchology” for efficient mass production and field delivery of green lace wing
  • To  study the molecular systematics of green lace wings.
  • To study the histopathological and toxicological effects of Biorational insecticides on beneficial insect fauna of rice crop.

Methodology    Refinement of rearing technique, “AM-Tech” with special reference to artificial diet, for mass rearing of adults of Chrysoperla carnea)
For the rearing of Chrysoperla carnea (Stephens) larvae, 50 capsules, for each treatment, were prepared. Equal quantityof Sitotroga cerealella eggs, were mixed with 2-3 eggs of Chrysoperla carnea of the same age, in each capsule. Eggs filled capsules were placed in Petri dishes, covered with lids. Humidity (65±5%) and temperature (27±2 oC) was maintained in the laboratory. On pupation, the pupated half of capsules was placed in Petri dishes covered with lids, for adult emergence and the empty half discarded.
After the emergence of adults, from the capsules, they were kept in adult-rearing cages, with a male to female ratio of 1:1. Each cage contained 20 adults and represented a treatment. Different combinations of artificial diets, viz., ber honey+ water + yeast (T1); mango honey + water + yeast (T2); musambi honey + water + yeast (T3); grapefruit honey + water + yeast (T4); jaman honey + water + yeast (T5); vitamin E + honey (general type) + water + yeast (T6); and common honey  + water + yeast (T7) or the control, were offered to the adults of C. Carnea. A regular daily count of eggs, were made to estimate the adult longevity and fecundity. The data, regarding pre-oviposition, oviposition, post­-oviposition periods, fecundity, longevity of males and females, alongwith body length of the adults was recorded and analyzed statistically, using one way ANOVA and an LSD test, at P=0.05, in order to compare the treatment means.

Efficacy of Trichogramma chilonis and Bio-rational insecticides against Rice Leaf Folder, Cnaphalocrocis medinalis (Lepidoptera: Pyralidae)

Use of Trichogramma sp.
Trichogramma sp. were reared on the eggs of Sitotroga cerealella and parasitized, egg-pasted cards, were applied, under different treatments (50000, 75000, 100000, 150000 and Control) to check their efficacy against RLF. The data were collected again on the basis of damaged/ folded leaves. Comparison of the treatments with control were made using Tuckey HSD test at P=0.05%.
Botanical Insecticides
Extracts from the leaves and seeds of Azadirachta indica and Melia azadirach (Darek)were obtained by soaking them in boiled water for two hours. This soak, was left for two days, and the extract sieved through a muslin cloth. After the calibration of area, for each treatment, the extract was sprayed over genotype Super Basmati, sown in RCBD. The experiment was repeated thrice. Data were collected on the basis of damaged or folded leaves. Finally the collected data were analyzed statistically and means compared with Tuckey HSD test at P=0.05%.
Microbial Insecticides
Formulations of Bacillus thuriengiensis, and Sacchalaropolyspora spinosa (spinosad)were used as microbial insecticide. Recommended doses of the Bt and spinosad were used in triply- replicated experiment. The data were again collected on the basis of damaged or folded leaves to check the bio-efficacy of these microbial insecticides.
Integration of Trichogramma and Biopesticides
Best treatments of egg release of Trichogramma, botanical and microbial insecticides were selected and next year were used alone and in integration with each other to control the rice leaf folder in a sustainable manner. For integration studies following treatments were used
T1=         Trichogramma (1,00,000 eggs/acre)
T2=         Neem
T3=         Bt
T4=         Trichogramma +Bt
T5=         Trichogramma + Neem
T6=         Neem + Bt + Trichogramma
T7=         Control