Research at UAF - Demonstration of techno-chemical method for reclamation of hard layered saline sodic soils
Principal Investigator: Dr. Muhammad Shafi Sabir
Qualification: Ph.D. Agri. Engg
Institution/Organization: University of Agriculture, Faisalabad
Present Position: Professor
Postal Address: Dept: Farm Machinery & Power, University of Agri. Faisalabad
Telephone: 041-9200161 Ext 3002 Fax: 041-9200194
Co- Principal Investigator: N.A
Project Duration (Months): 36 months
Total Cost: Rs. 0.261 Million

Progress Reports

Problem Statement
Considerable research work to develop technology for reclamation of saline sodic soils was done in Districts Faisalabad and Toba Tek Singh. Efficacy of amendment types, doses, responses to leaching by canal/tubewell water and salt resistant crop varieties were intensively investigated for reclamation of saline sodic soils with moderate hardness.
As a result of this study it was determined that the depth of hard layers existed at 150 cm or even deeper. These hard layers were actually sodic pans giving soil resistance penetration ion the plow layer from 3 to 6 kg/cm2 causing low soil permeability. Higher gypsum level caused reduction in soil resistance to penetration. However, subsoiling followed by chiseling and disking resulted in minimum resistance to soil penetration and bulk density. Soil shear strength equations indicated minimum values of cohesion in disked plots. Deep tillage improved soil infiltration rate. An appreciable decrease in value EC,pH, ESP and SAR were recorded.
Wheat emergence was maximum in the subsoiled plots followed by chiseled and disked plots. Plant were 25 % taller in subsoiled plots than tine cultivated ones for wheat crop and the same difference was 32 % in rice field. Average wheat yield was 28.7 % higher than the controlled plots. Based upon the data gathered subsoiler excelled the performance over the other implements however chisel plow can be considered a good alternative if subsoiler is not available.

To demonstrate the techno-chemical technology for reclamation of saline sodic soils on the Campus.


Following steps will be involved:

1. Procurement of implements for field demonstration.

2. Preparation of field plots for demonstration







Scientists responsible



Procurement of implements for field demonstration. Demonstration of machinery performance in field plots.

Saline land at PROKA FARM

Principal Investigator


Repetition of machinery operation for comparative evaluation

Saline land at PROKA FARM

Principal Investigator


Compilation of three year data after Repetition of machinery operation for comparative evaluation

Saline land at PROKA FARM

Principal Investigator,

Results and discussion
Data of soil analysis, germination rate and number of tillers per plant and height of each plant have been collected and are in the process of analysis.