- To introduce University Bed Planter to grow various crops on bed-furrow system for improving their water productivity.
- To demonstrate Raised Bed Technology and Laser land Leveling at Farmer’s fields in comparison with traditional irrigation practices.
- To search and address the constraints, both at the farmers and technology level, to adopt the raised bed technology among farming community.
Achievements during the period under report:
The project activities were started with the selection of sites and focused group meetings with the farmers. Six potential sites viz., 369/JB, 250/GB, 251/GB, 253/GB, 256/GB and 258/GB were selected for cotton. The project team created awareness about raised Bed Technology among the farmers of the project area. The existing wheat bed planter developed by Water Management Research Centre, UAF was upgraded/modified for sowing of cotton and maize. The target for first year was 20 acres of cotton bed planting, but due to great interest of farmers 33 acres of cotton were sown on raised beds in the project area. Maize was planted at 2 sites i.e. 369/JB and 183/GB. Both maize and cotton planted at farmers’ fields gave good germination and better stand on raised beds in addition to water saving of about 50%. Soil chemical analysis indicated that mostly soils were loamy with pH 8 and organic matter up to 1%.