Research at UAF - Demonstration of Multi-Nutrients Foliar Feeding Technology for Sustainable Crop Production
Name of PI: Dr. Muhammad Yaseen, Associate Professor,
Institute of Soil & Environmental Science, UAF.
Total project cost : Rs. 2.218 million
Funds released : Rs.0.552 million
Funds utilized : Rs.0.505 million

Progress Reports


  • Demonstration of foliar spray for improving crop production on farmer’s field with and without soil applied fertilizers.
  • Improving nutrient use efficiency through foliage by amending foliar spray with chelating agent/surfactant.
  • Development of protocol for foliar application for optimum return under field conditions.
  • Estimating cost-benefit ratio of the technology.
  • Dissemination of technology by holding farmer’s field days with the collaboration of the extension field staff of the area.

Achievements during the period under report:
The project was started on wheat crop from 1st January 2008. Eight farmers' field sites were selected to execute the project activities. Multinutrient foliar spray was prepared using various nutrient sources like, N, K2O, Zn Fe, B, Mn, Cu, etc. Demonstration trials on wheat crop were conducted at Tehsil Toba Tek Singh on eight sites (Chak No. 309/G-B, 379/J-B, 378/J-B, 396/G.B, 396/G.B, 329/J-B, 383/J-B and 278/J-B). Treatments applied were: sprayed and unsprayed (control). The results revealed 21-27 %, 13-27 % and 17-30% increase in number of tillers m-2, straw and grain yields, respectively, in sprayed plots compared to control. The second crop was rice in the PC-1 which was later on replaced by cotton as rice is not the main crop in the project area. Results on cotton are under compilation stage. Moreover, a farmer’s field day was organized on 21.04.2008 to demonstrate the technology to the farmers/stakeholders. A large number of farmers, not only from the project area but also from the surrounding, area attended the occasion. The earning of Rs.36,950/- from the sale of foliar spray has been deposited in the FDTTPC Account No.011377-4