Right to Information (RTI)

What is RTI?

Under Article 19-A of the Constitution, RTI (Right to information) is a fundamental right of every citizen of Pakistan to have the right to have access to information in all matters of public importance subject to regulation and reasonable restriction imposed by law. A citizen in addition to a government department can also have access to information of a private body which is substantially financed by the government. RTI is based upon the principle that citizens being tax payers are owners of public information. RTI boosts transparency, accountability, elimination of corruption and improvement of public service delivery.

How RTI can help you?

The information got through RTI enables citizens to hold public officials accountable for their actions, to comment upon their performance, to conduct survey on the basis of data received through RTI and to indicate gaps and weaknesses of public bodies. 
The government also benefits from RTI by becoming aware of gaps and weaknesses of public bodies. RTI also helps public officials by making it easier for them to carry out their duties more efficiently.

How University of Agriculture, Faisalabad (UAF) facilitates RTI?

UAF considers that enlightenment of citizens to hold public officers/officials accountable is legal and ethical right and for this very reason and keeping all the efforts done by RTI Commission to maintain transparency, UAF has taken following immediate actions to join hands in hands with RTI Commission Punjab

Dr. Muhammad Tayyib,
Public Information Officer
Phone: +92-41-9200217
Cell: +92-306-4860486
Email: muhammadtayyib81@uaf.edu.pk

What is the Procedure of Complaints regarding RTI in UAF?

"Dear citizen, please enclose your complete documents u/rule/10 (2) of PT&RTIA, 2013 and rule-5(4) under duties of PIO, mainly includes,

  • Copy of Identity Card
  • Cell No
  • Email address
  • Mailing address

So that your application may be entertained as per law. You are informed that you can request to obtain desired information for 1 year only u/ rule rule 10(c)."
Public are also advised to visit RTI Punjab Commission website and fill the online application form to directly submit the application to Commission

Pro-Active Disclosure for UAF Section

UAF is already working on proactive disclosure of information and under the guideline by RTI Commission Punjab, UAF sets itself for Proactive Disclosure by publication of the following information. 

Pro-Active Disclosure

As Public Body UAF Pro-Actively Discloses:

Uaf employees (Scale 17 and above appointment and condition of service )Statutes 1989 Downloadnew

Uaf employees (General Conditions of Service)Statutes 1967 Downloadnew

Uaf employees (Medical Attendance )Statutes 1968 Downloadnew

Uaf employees (Pension)Statutes 1968 Downloadnew

UAF Employees BS-1 to BS-16 Appointment and condition of service statues 2017 Download new

UAF Service Structure of laboratory field and technical staff 1997 Download new

UAF Employees Leave Statutes 1989 Download new

HEC Plagiarism Policy Download new

Procurement Inventory Rules - 2014 Downloadnew

Policy Guidelines againtst on Harassment

Policy Guidelines on Harassment of Higher Learning


Agriculture Faisalabad ACT, 1973

The punjab employees efficiency,discipline and accountability ACT 2006

Award of Meritorious Professors (BPS-22) Statutes

Proforma Designed For Promotion to BPS-22

Faculty (Conditions of Appointment) Rules, 2009

Employees (Revised Basic Pay Scales and Allowances) (BPS 1 To 22) Statutes, 2008

House Allotement Rules, 1973

Employees (BPS 1-15) House Allotment Rules, 1988

Employees (Revised Basic Pay Scales, Allowances and Pension) (BS 1-22) Statutes, 2005

Employees (Revised Basic Pay Scales and Allowances) (BS 1 To 22) Statutes, 2007

Employees (Revised Basic Pay Scales and Allowances) (BS 1 To 22) Statutes, 2007

Revised Tenure Track Statutes-2008, University of Agriculture, Faisalabad

Protecton against harassment of Women at the workplace Act, 2010

Regulations for code of ethics and conduct for faculty, officers, and non-teaching staff 2024

Munites of Academic Council and Respective Decisions